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Yetter Farm Equipment

Twin-Row Row Cleaner

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Yetter offers three row cleaner solutions designed specifically for narrow, twin-row planting setups. To make adjustments for changing field conditions, these floating, single-wheel residue managers feature Screw Adjust capabilities on John Deere and Great Plains planters and utilize pins as down stops on Monosem planters.


2966-020-L-STFW Twin-Row Row Cleaner John Deere Twin-Row Hydraulic Planters 36 lbs. with Floater Wheel 21.70"
2967-002 Twin-Row Row Cleaner Great Plains 43 lbs. with Floater Wheel 22.5"
2967-003 Twin-Row Row Cleaner Monosem 31 lbs. with Floater Wheel 19"

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2967-002B Single Wheel Row Cleaner - Great Plains Twin Row

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2967-003A Single Wheel Row Cleaner - Monosem

Twin Row Floating Row Cleaner

Twin Row Floating Row Cleaner

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