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Yetter Farm Equipment

2967-0001 Air Assist Cylinder

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The 2967-0001 Air Assist Cylinder utilizes Yetter in-cab control systems for floating row cleaners—whether those row cleaners are running on a planter or as part of a strip-till system. Using air supplied through electric or hydraulic compressors, you can quickly and easily make adjustments from the tractor seat based on your field conditions. This saves time and improves the performance of your row cleaners, setting your crop up for uniform emergence and better yields.



Call 800-447-5777 or email for compatibility options for the 2967-035 Row Cleaner for No-Till Coulters, 2967-042 Floating Row Cleaner, and 2960/2967-115 Combo Row Cleaner, or to learn about the Air Assist’s compatibility with other manufacturers’ row cleaners.

Air tubing kits for Air Assist Cylinders are available (8- through 54-row).

Section A: Model            

2967-0001 Air Assist 2 x 2 Cylinder with Pins/Fittings Kit (ORDER 1/ROW)
Seal Kit Visit manual or call   


Section B: Control Kit      


Pneumatic Controller Kit  Up and Down pressure controls / Raise and Lower button function


Section C: Tubing Kit       

2967-0021 Air Cylinder Tubing Kit, 8 Row
2967-0022 Air Cylinder Tubing Kit, 12 Row
2967-0023 Air Cylinder Tubing Kit, 16 Row
2967-0024 Air Cylinder Tubing Kit, 24 Row
2967-0025 Air Cylinder Tubing Kit, 32/36 Row
2967-0026 Air Cylinder Tubing Kit, 48 Row
2967-0027 Air Cylinder Tubing Kit, 54 Row


Section D: Compressor Kit    

1200-020 2-Gallon Air Compressor Kit: includes Viair electric compressor, wiring, & draft bar mount
2940-050A 12-Gallon Magnum Electric Compressor Kit (ORDER FROM E and G)
2940-055 12-Gallon Hydraulic Compressor Kit (ORDER FROM E, F, and G)



Section E: Compressor Mounting Kit (Order one)

2940-085 Two-Point Hitch or Universal Compressor Mount Kit
2940-086 Universal Compressor Mount Kit 8 x 12
2940-090 Universal Compressor Mount Kit 8 x 16 (Drawbar outer telescope tube)
2940-091 Universal Compressor Mount Kit 8 x 16 (Drawbar outer telescope tube)


Section F: Hydraulic Hose & Fitting Kit (Order one)

2940-088 Hydraulic Hose and fitting kit (Planter)
2940-089 Hydraulic Hose and fitting kit (Stand alone/Tractor SCV)


Section G: Compressor Wiring Kit 


Stand Alone Compressor Control Kit (for customers wanting 2940-050A/055 compressor – includes switch

power harness, 90ft of power harness extensions, & “Y” harness at compressor)



Optional Adapter for OEM Compressors

2940-374 1/4" NPT Male & 2)1/4" NPT Femal Tee Adapter
2940-650 1/4" NPT x 1/4" PC Elbow Fittings
1200-342 3/8" PC to 1/4" PC Tee Reducer


For JD Hyd/Elec. Compressor w/ storage tank, order 1) 2940-374 & 1) 2940-650        

For CNH & PP Hyd. Compressors, order 1) 1200-342

For plumbing into other OEM compressors, or which compressor mounts to use, or for other air assist cylinder mounts needed for certain model row cleaners, contact Yetter Sales 800-447-5777


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Air Assist Cylinder and Pneumatic Control System Manual

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