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Yetter Farm Equipment

2967-006A Floating Row Cleaner - Row-Unit Mounted Kinze Coulter

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Achieve coulter tillage and residue management with the 2967-006A Floating Row Cleaner. Quick and easy to install around factory coulters, this row cleaner’s floating design provides a smooth ride for the row unit and handles changing field conditions.


  • Attaches to Kinze factory row unit mounted coulters (4000 Series or 2000/3000 Series coulters)
  • Can be adjusted to float and follow soil contour or be locked down to move tough residue
  • Compatible with air cylinders
  • Available with range of residue management wheel options


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2967-006A Floating Row Cleaner - Row-Unit Mounted Kinze Coulter

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"Very impressed with the Yetter Shark tooth combo. Able to just kiss the ground lightly to move root balls."

Allen Meissner • TX

How to Install the Yetter SharkTooth® Wheel

Learn how to safely and properly install the SharkTooth Wheel on your row cleaner.

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