Yetter wishes you a safe & successful 2024 planting season!
Yetter Farm Equipment


Below are answers to some of the questions most commonly asked by Yetter customers. If you have a question that is not addressed here, please submit it using our online contact form or call a Yetter customer service representative at 800-447-5777.

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Categories: Fertilizer Application | Show All Categories

Use less than 30 PSI to reduce the amount of splattering.

Categories: Fertilizer Application | Show All Categories

Center the blade on the hub so that it is concentric when it turns. Place the knife top up to the coulter blade so the knife and coulter blade just slightly contact each other at the tip. Then, as the coulter blade rotates up the knife, you want to have a gradual gap between the knife and coulter blade. Also, the knife needs to be centered side to side on the coulter blade.

Categories: Fertilizer Application | Show All Categories

In some conditions, a knife scraper is needed to keep the residue from dragging up on the fertilizer knife.

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