Yetter wishes you a safe & successful 2024 planting season!
Yetter Farm Equipment


Real-world results are the benchmark by which any product is measured. However, instead of relying solely on what we have to say about our products, all Yetter customers are encouraged to share their stories and comments so that we can pass them along to you!

A floating residue manager for this planter is an absolute must

Categories: Residue Managers

When Don Norwood told Yetter he needed a floating residue manager for his highly erodible no-till farm in the Tennessee hills, Yetter listened.

The previous year, Don had purchased a used eight-row Monosem twin planter with fixed Yetter residue managers. As they crossed the bean stubble and grass residue while Don planted 600 acres of corn, the residue managers sometimes cut into the soil and sometimes raised the planter. The result: His corn emerged in uneven stands.

Don told Monosem and Yetter, "If you want these products to work in the hills of Tennessee, a floating residue manager for this planter is an absolute must." Don says that the farmers on the Tennessee slopes were some of the first to adopt no-till farming practices. His 3,000-acre farm has been no-till since the early 1970s.

Just three months after his request, Yetter had test units ready for him: the 2967 Narrow-Row Residue Managers for Twin-Row Planters. He used them, with visibly improved results in germination. "When I walked the fields, I saw a more consistent stand of corn."

Don says he’s "very pleased" with both the product and the customer service. And now those floating 2967 residue managers are in production for other farmers as well.

Don Norwood • TN
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